Ph.D. Political Science, Temple University (2016)
M.A. Latin American Studies, University of Miami (2003)
Catherine Bartch is the Associate Director of the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Co-Director of the Penn Model Organization of American States (OAS) program. Her research interests include Latin American politics, U.S. politics, democratic theory, civic education and participation, and international development. She has taught an array of courses on these topics and others, including International Organizations in Latin America, Latin American Politics, and Latinxs and the Law, at various regional private and public universities and community colleges. Her current research and teaching focus on how to educate for global political participation. She is involved in local and state-level politics, and she has served as an election monitor in the U.S., Bolivia, and Guatemala. Catherine also serves on the board of CCATE and the Institute for Dialogue and Diplomacy.