For information on the conference and participants, please visit here for the conference brochure.

(Artwork displayed by Roberto Mamani Mamani)
About the conferenece:
This month-long conference which convenes for 2 hours each Thursday and Friday in October marks the launch of the Penn-Mellon Just Futures Initiative on Dispossessions in the Americas.
The multifaceted project seeks to document territorial, embodied, and cultural heritage dispossesions in the Americas -- through the mechanisms of deceit, disease, and warfare - from 1492 to the present. It will also outline and identify models of repossession and the processes through which the restoration of land, embodiments, and cultural heritage can recover histories and promote restorative justice.
This conference is an opportunity for the principal investigators, and the many scholars, activists, artists, and other collaborators from across the Americas to share their projects and contributions.
If you would like to attend the conference, please contact the Penn-Mellon Just Futures Initiative Grant Manager, Ina Halili, at
This conference is co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies.