Exhibition: "Fighting Racism! 40 Years of Memory in Afro-Brazilian posters"

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - 4:00pm to Friday, May 6, 2022 - 2:00pm

3718 Locust Walk, McNeil Building, 2nd floor Atrium



Fighting Racism! 40 Years of Memory in Afro-Brazilian posters


It is our pleasure to invite you to the opening of "Fighting Racism! 40 Years of Memory in Afro-Brazilian Posters", an exhibit presented by Ramos PeCê, the Penn-Mellon Just Futures Postdoctoral Fellow with the Dispossessions in the Americas initiative.

The exhibition faithfully portrays actors and important moments for the so-called contemporary Brazilian Black movement, and its struggle for life, cultural heritage, and lands. To set it up, it was necessary to select the main themes presented in Black protest, recognize the main frames and slogans of command words, and mediate between what matters to the movement and what is indispensable to bring to the international public of the University of Pennsylvania.

Thus, we have a mosaic with the main references of Brazilian anti-racism, the history and symbology of history: the Quilombo of Palmares, the shadow and the light of its last leader, Zumbi dos Palmares, and the interpretation the Black movement makes of the slavery abolition process. It marks the contribution Blacks gave to the construction of the main political party in Brazil’s recent history, the struggle that Blacks undertook to be recognized in the process of redemocratization (1985-1989).

Co-sponsored by Africana Studies at Penn.

Curator: Professor Paulo César Ramos

Supported by: Professor Michael Hanchard, Professor Tulia Falleti, Professor Marcia Lima (Afro-CEBRAP/USP Cebrap), Professor Aldair Rodrigues and Professor Mário Medeiros (Unicamp - Universidade Estadual de Campinas / Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth).

Exhibition Coordinator: Ana Gabriela Jiménez

Assistants for Afro CEBRAP: Maria Julia Ananias, Huri Paz, Isabela Salgado, David Lacerda, Collections from: Reginaldo Bispo, Soweto Organização Negra.