Various locations. Please see the description.

Imagined Futures: Ruins of the Present and Horizons of the Past
Presented by Penn’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Thursday, Feb. 27 - 5 PM to Saturday, March 1 - 7 PM
Locations: Rainey Auditorium at Penn Museum, Williams Hall 543 - Cherpack Lounge, Williams Hall 623 - Wolf Humanities Center Conference Room
Main Description:
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese’s annual graduate Conference,"Futuros Imaginados: Ruinas del Presente y Horizontes del Pasado," explores how literature, film, and the arts imagine futures in response to present crises and historical legacies. Topics will cover utopias and dystopias, temporalities, post-apocalyptic narratives, and the transformative potential of ruins. Keynote speakers will include Mexican novelist Yuri Herrera, Dominican novelist and musician Rita Indiana, and Ayuujk linguist and activist Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil. Additionally, the conference will screen a film by Puerto Rican filmmaker Noelia Quintero Herencia and feature a performance by Mixe (Ayuujk) jazz ensemble, Kumantuk Xuxpë. This conference is co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies, the Department of English, the Department of Cinema & Media Studies, and Wolf Humanities Center.
Thursday, February 27
Time: 5 PM to 7 PM
Location: Rainey Auditorium at the Penn Museum
Description: Screening of the documentary El antes y después de la plena, by Noelia Quintero Herencia
Interview conducted by Armando Navarro Rojas and Cecilia Kryzda
Friday, February 28
Time: 10 AM to 7 PM
Location: Williams Hall 543 - Cherpack Lounge
Saturday, March 1
Time: 9 AM to 7 PM
Location: Williams Hall 623 - Wolf Humanities Center Conference Room