Online event
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The Latin American and Latinx Studies Program Undergraduate Advisory Board and Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies Program invite you to a conversation on "Gender and Violence in Latin America / Género y Violencia en América Latina" with:
Veronica Huilipan, Lider de la Comunidad Mapuche, Werken (traditional authority) of the Mapuche community Quintriqueo (Neuquén, Argentina),Activist and member of the Mapuce Neuquina Confederation (Neuquén, Argentina) and member of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women
Dr. Suyai Garcia Gualda, Investigadora Asistente en CONICET y Docente de la FADECS-UNCo. Temas de estudio: género y pueblos originarios. / Assistant Researcher at CONICET and professor at FADECS-UNCo. Research topics: gender and indigeneous communities.
Marielle De León, Activista por los derechos Trans y organizadora junto a La Sombrilla Cuir. / Trans rights activist and organizer with La Sombrilla Cuir in Puerto Rico, also regularly presents workshops at schools and universities on inclusive language and the diversity of gender identity and sexual orientations.
Please register here!
Event in english and spanish and open to the public.