2nd Floor Forum in the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, 133 S. 36th Street

Please join us on Friday, September 15th at 12PM for a CLALSIS presentation by Dr. María Laura Pensa, Penn-Mellon Just Futures Dispossessions in the Americas Postdoctoral Fellow. This will take place in the 2nd Floor Forum in the Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, 133 S. 36th Street. Lunch will be served.
RSVP HERE to attend in person (lunch will be served).
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Presenter Bio:
Laura Pensa holds a degree in anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires (2015), and a PhD in Romance Languages from the University of Michigan (2023). This year she has joined us at Penn as a Mellon Just Futures Dispossessions in the Americas postdoctoral fellow. Her work looks into different narratives of the Great Chaco region - a lowland space of the Amazonia- and its indigenous inhabitants. She is interested in the connections between the colonial period and the current state of indigenous imaginaries, land rights, and their conflicts in Argentina. Her research focuses on insurgency, following the trajectories of native groups and spaces that were not subject to colonial and national control until the late 19th century.