Tulia Falleti CLALS Director and President of the LASA Center Director Section invites you to join LASA Center Director Section Monthly Speaker Series 2021-2022
The LASA Center Director Section sponsors a multi-centered speaker series focused on Indigeneity, Afro-descendants, and other marginalized populations in Latin America. The virtual series is held the first Monday of each month at 3PM CT/ 4PM EST, unless otherwise indicated. Varieties of Justice in the Americas for Brown and Black People is the first talk of the series.
Varieties of Justice in the Americas for Brown and Black People: A multidisciplinary panel that examines Indigenous and Afro Latin Americans experiences in distributive, procedural, reparative, and restorative varieties of justice.
Guest Speakers
Sandra Condori Mamani - Identidad Marrón, Argentina
Alejandro Mamani -Identidad Marrón, Argentina
Camila Gianella Malca –CISEPA-PUCP, Peru
Mariana Gómez – CEL/LICH-UNSAM & CONICET, Argentina
Marcus Johnson – LACS/GVPT-UMD, US
Keisha Allan – LACS-UMD, US
Isabella Alcañiz – LACS/GVPT-UMD, US
The panel is in English and Spanish. Simultaneous translation will be offered.