The Center for Latin American and Latinx External Speaker (CLALSES) Series presents "Women and Homelessness in Rio de Janeiro: Vania Rosa, an advocate for Human Rights" hosted by Anne-Marie Veillete, CLALS Postodctoral Fellow and Visitng Scholar as part of her class "Women and Urban Struggles in Latin America".
Vania Rosa is a formerly homeless person and a human rights advocate. She is currently the coordinator of the Permanent Forum on Adults Living on the Street of Rio de Janeiro. She is also one of the founders of the project 'Juca : Joining shards with art' and the 'Coletivo Rua SolidáriaRj'.
* If you don't understand Portuguese, please bring a device to join the simultaneous translation via Zoom (phone, laptop or tablet plus headphones) and be sure to register also in the zoom beforehand.