Call for Student Papers on “Dispossessions in Latin America”
Deadline is EXTENDED until February 26, 2021
The Greater Philadelphia Latin American Studies Consortium (GPLASC) & The Latin American & Latinx Studies Program of the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce the 2021 Student Research Virtual Conference on “Dispossessions in Latin America”
April 16, 2021 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Since the American Conquest, Native Peoples have been systematically dispossessed of their territories and cultural heritage. The slavery trade, on which the colonial and capitalist systems have been built, has also dispossessed lives and bodies. These historical processes combined with environmental degradation and natural resources’ extractivism have ongoing material consequences for peoples and communities throughout Latin America. As we reflect upon the systemic inequities that the Covid-19 pandemic has plainly revealed and assess the losses it has imposed on countries and communities throughout Latin America, the Greater Philadelphia Latin American Studies Consortium (GPLASC) calls for paper proposals that will tackle the issues of dispossessions of territory, bodies, and cultural heritage in Latin America, from the Conquest to the present. GPLASC solicits paper proposals from undergraduate and graduate students within consortium schools. Proposals from all disciplines are encouraged.
Please submit your proposal here! Sending your name, academic affiliation, email address, paper title and abstract by February 26, 2021
(accepted papers will have to be sent to GPLASC by April 1, 2021)
Please direct all questions to greaterphillylasconsortium@gmail.com or lals@sas.upenn.edu.