CLALS Video Archive since 2018. We are currently transitioning to a You Tube channel, please subscribe and leave us your comments in there. We love your feedback!
Seminario Penn Global PSCI/Lals 313 "Gente de la tierra: Indigeneidad y política en Argentina y Chile". Oct. 11th, 2021
Varieties of Justice in the Americas for Black and Brown People. Oct. 11th, 2021
What is Happening in Cuba? Perspectives on the Current Situation after the Protests on July 11th? Panelists included Ailynn Torres Santana, a postdoctoral researcher with the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies (IRGAC) of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, a visiting researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin, and associate researcher at FLACSO Ecuador; Julio Cesar Guanche Zaldivar, Professor, University of Havana; William M. LeoGrande, Associate Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs, Professor of Government, and Dean Emeritus of the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, D.C.The moderator was Odette Casamayor-Cisneros, Associate Professor of Romance Languages. Co-sponsored by La Casa Latina.
LALS Graduation ceremony and LALS memories 2020-21. May 14th, 2021
Graduate Student Research Symposium. May 4th, 2021
Book Launch "Another Aesthetics Is Possible: Arts of Rebellion in the Fourth World War" by Jennifer Ponce de Leon. April 27th, 2021.
Conversation with Dr. Marcos Espinal, Director of the Department of Communicable Diseases and Environmental Determinants of Health. Hosted by Associate Director Cathy Bartch in her class LALS 208-401 International Organizations in Latin America. Co-sponsor by Penn Model OAS. April 20th, 2021.
Panel Discusion "Gender and Violence in Latin America / Género y Violencia en América Latina." April 8th, 2021.
Entrevista con Werken Gabriel Cherqui, comunidad Mapuche Kayxipayin, de Neuquén, Argentina (en el territorio ancestral Wallmapu). Clase: PSCI/LALS 313-People of the Land: Indigeneity and Politics in Argentina and Chile [Gente de la Tierra: Indigenas y Politica en Argentina y Chile.] Profesora: Dr. Tulia G. Falleti. Entrevistadoras, alumnas: Flavia Olivera y Olivia Fielding. Fecha: 7 de abril de 2021.
"Immigrants and employment issues" by Chelsea Edwards, Attorney at Justice at Work, hosted by Fernando Chang-Muy, Thomas O’Boyle Lecturer in Law at Penn. (LALSES) March 31st, 2021.
The Art of Organizing/The Artist as Organizer in conversation with Netza Moreno, Malkia Okech and Ubaldo Boido. Hosted by Ricardo Bracho, Sachs Artist in Residence at the Alice Paul Center for Research on Gender, Sexuality and Women.March 25, 2021
"International Peacemaking in Venezuela's Intractable Conflict: 2014-2019 and current situation" by David Smilde, Visiting Fellow, Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame (2020-21), Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations Tulane University, Senior Fellow, Washington Office on Latin America. Penn Model OAS, March 16, 2021.
Seeds of Power: Environmental Injustice and Genetically Modified Soybeans in Argentina authored by Amalia Leguizamón, Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University. Discussants: Maria Victoria Murillo, Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs, Columbia University and Carla Gras, Researcher, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina. LALS -REPAL Book Roundtable, March 4th, 2021.
"On Disaster and the Future of Central America" by Jorge E. Cuéllar, Mellon Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor in Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies at Dartmouth College. (LALSES) February 24, 2021.
Against Amnesty: The Effects of International Law on Amnesty in Latin America. Talk by Francesca Parente, Perry World House Postdoctoral Fellow (LALSIS) January 26, 2021.
Penn Model OAS Closing Event and Final Simulation December, 21st, 2020.
Erotic Encounters in A paixão segundo GH Talk by Dana Khromov (LALSIS) December 1st, 2020.
Holding Fast: Resilience and Civic Engagement Among Latino Immigrants Book Talk with Michael Jones-Correa (LALSIS) October 30, 2020.
Flores Exhibit with Fernando Chang-Muy, Thomas O’Boyle Lecturer, Law School and Rob Buscher, ASAM Lecturer October 29, 2020.
Educating Students to Improve the World with Fernando Reimers Professor of the Practice in International Education at Harvard Graduate School Hosted by Catherine Bartch, Associate Director of Latin American and Latinx Studies. (LALSES) October 27, 2020.
Anti-racist pedagogies in Brazilian Literature and Culture courses Talk by Leonora Paula. Hosted by Carlos Pio, Lecturer, Hispanic and Portuguese Studies University of Pennsylvania. October 22, 2020.
Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century by Kathyrn Sikkink, Ryan Family Professor of Human Rights Policy at Harvard Kennedy School. Hosted by Catherine Bartch, Associate Director of Latin American and Latinx Studies. (LALSES) Part of the Penn Model OAS Program. October 20, 2020.
Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture/Brazilian Cinema- a conversation with Lilia Moritz Schwarcz, Professor in Anthropology at the University of São Paulo and Visiting Professor at Princeton. Hosted by Prof. Mércia Flannery Senior Lecturer Director of the Portuguese Language Program. (LALSES) October, 15, 2020.
Rights of Nature for Bodies of Water:" The Atrato River case in Colombia" with Maryury Mosquera Palacios, Alexander Rodríguez Mena, Felipe Ospina and Natalia Quiceno (LALSES).October 13, 2020
Latin American Green New Deal with panelists Ruth Santiago, Attorney, Comite Dialogo Ambiental, Puerto Rico; Camila Gramkow, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC-Brazil Office; and Tom Perreault, Dell Plain Professor of Latin American Geography, Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Teaching Excellence. Moderated by Daniel Aldana Cohen, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director, Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative (SC)2 and Thea Riofrancos, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Providence College. Introduction delivered by Tulia Falleti, Director of Latin American and Latinx Studies and Class of 1965 Endowed Term Professor. October 8, 2020
Penn in Latin America and the Caribbean 5th Annual Symposium. September 30, October 1, and October 2, 2020. (Day 3- Cultural Video)
Dolores Huerta Lecture in Conversation with Yosimar Reyes. September 24, 2020.
End of the Year Celebration honoring our 2020 graduates. May 14th, 2020.
Memory video-LALS pictures of some of the events during the academic year 2019-2020.
Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees Amid COVID-19 Crisis with David Smolansky, former mayor of Hatillo, Caracas and Coordinator of the OAS Working Group on the Crisis of Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees, and Marian Vidaurri, Advisor to the Secretary General, OAS and LALS Visiting Scholar. April 28th, 2020.
COVID-19 in Latin America in conversation with Dan Erikson of Blue Star Strategies and the Penn Biden Center, and Ricardo Castillo-Neyra of Penn's Perleman School of Medicine. April 21st, 2020.
Vital decomposition: soil practitioners and life politics. Kristina Lyons' Book Launch. April 20th, 2020.
Protest, represion and democracia lacrimogena: what is going in Latin America? with Santiago Anria,Assistant Professor of Political Science and Latin American Studies, Dickinson College, Dorothy Kronick, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania, Kristina Lyons, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Oscar Vega Camacho, Independent Researcher and Writer, La Paz, Bolivia (Via Zoom.) December 5th, 2019.
Reflections on Bolsonaro’s impact in Brazil with Paulo Sotero, Director of the Wilson Center’s Brazil InstituteReflections on Bolsonaro’s impact in Brazil. Dicember 4th, 2019.
CCATE Art Exhibit "El difícil arte de migrar" Opening event. October 2nd, 2019.
Panel on the Venezuelan Crisis with Dr. Tulia Falleti (UPENN), Dr. Dorothy Kronick (UPENN) and Dr. Alejandro Velasco (NYU.) February 6th, 2019.
The Other 9/11 Event, opening of the exhibition with Tulia Falleti, Gustavo Gac-Artigas and Priscilla Gac-Artigas. November 11th, 2018.
The Other 9/11 Interview with Gustavo Gac-Artigas by Tulia Falleti. November 11th, 2018.