3803 Locust Walk, Philadelphia PA, 19104
The Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania

Varied artistic expressions in music, painting, literature, graffiti, cinema, and others, have the potential to promote reflections and critical thinking. They can also be powerful tools for healing, protest, and resistance. How do the arts reflect our shared narratives, and the most pressing issues of our times? What roles do the arts play in times of peace and conflict, progress and crisis? The 6th PLAC conference invites papers representative of several disciplines that point to, or draw from, the intersections between art, social change, conflict and healing in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The PLAC 6th Annual Conference is being organized and co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies (CLALS); the School of Nursing; Penn Global; The Hispanic and Portuguese Studies Department, La Casa Latina, and Perry World House.
Check out the program here.
Read the bios of the conference participants here.
Read the Land Acknowledgment written by Dr. Tulia Falleti here.
For more information, please visit Penn Global's page here.
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