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What aquatic ecosystems is Chilean Patagonia home to and why are these important? How will climate change and human development impact these environments? How are scientists monitoring change and informing policy makers? Dr. Giovanni Daneri, Executive Director of the Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP) based in the heart of Chilean Patagonia, will discuss the efforts of CIEP to monitor the pristine yet vulnerable aquatic ecosystems in the region. He will share research from glaciers to fjords that the research center is spearheading and highlight the major issues the region will face in the coming decades.
Dr. Giovanni Daneri is a marine scientist, Ph.D. in Oceanography from the University of Southampton. Dr. Daneri is Executive Director of the Ecosystem Research Center of Patagonia (CIEP - Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia). He is a specialist in carbon fluxes and environmental factors that affect ecosystem productivity and composition, and dissolved organic carbon from fjords and canal systems within Chilean Patagonia. He is currently a Principle Investigator on the PATSER program (Ecosystem, climate change and socio-environmental linkages along the continental-ocean continuum. Long-term socio-ecological research in Patagonia), which focuses on the function of ecosystems and their links across climatic gradients in Patagonia, in particular those that go from terrestrial freshwater systems to inland marine systems (fjords).
Dr. Daneri is a co-researcher within the COPAS Sur Austral program (University of Concepción) and participates as an associate professor in the doctoral programs in Oceanography at the University of Concepción and Marine Biology at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh). He is also an associate professor of the Program in Sciences and Technologies for the Environment and Landscape (ESTAT) of the University of Genoa, Italy.