
Sofía Vega-Zanca | Quechua FLTA Fulbright Scholar 2022-2023| Originally from a small village located in Ayacucho, Peru. She got her bachelor’s degree in Psychology (focusing on Educational Psychology) at Peru’s Universidad Cayetano Heredia, in Lima. Vega-Zanca studied Methodology of English as a Foreign Language Teacher at ICPNA (Peruvian North American Cultural Institute).
While in college, Vega-Zanca has been a member her school’s Andean music group and to Voces del Sol Peruvian choir by Claudia Rheineck, where she was granted a scholarship in choral singing and corporal expression for two years. During that time, she studied an Andean repertoire from a deep look at Peruvian culture, performing at the Peru’s National Theatre, among other venues. She has also obtained a Fulbright FLTA scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania.
Vega-Zanca has worked as an English assistant teacher to Quechua-speaking students in her home district, and as an interpreter tour-guide on Inca and pre-Columbian culture. Additionally, she has volunteered as an English-Quechua-Spanish interpreter in social projects with foreign volunteers in multiple NGOs.